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Saturday, February 06, 2010

Picture above: I anticipated that Min (my best friend) would be coming. The minute she stepped into the house, I was exhilarated, and gave her a big, slobbery kiss. She took my candid shot in return. And promised to write a story for me, titled "A Shih Tzu's Conversation". So here it goes:

I sit down on the floor. Then I realise that I'm slower than what I used to be. Min could easily catch up with me without having to move around so much. And she could take so many candid photos of me before I could even turn away - for I've always been camera-shy. I also notice that I've been balding - something that I've never realised till now. For I've not had a haircut for months.

I'm feeling sad - what seems to be going on with me? Am I really growing older? Does it mean that I'm going to be separated from my family members and Min soon?

I sit down and think hard. After much contemplation, I cheer up a bit. Growing old is part of life. But I could still stay young at heart. After all, I'm still healthy. A smile begins to creep across my face as Min approaches me - she's young, and she has made me smile - countless times.

Just then, Min sits down and tells me a joke. A really funny one. That sent me into hysterics. It feels so good to laugh! I laugh treacherously as Min tries to remain poker-faced, but eventually both of us ended up rolling on the floor clutching our bellies in laughter.

But soon the laughter dies down. "Humph," I say, "your jokes don't last very long, Min."

"Should I tell you another one?" asks Min. I gladly agree...

So I listen to Min, but I get a whiff of my lunch and my attention is diverted. I lick my lips, anticipating the (always) wonderful food I get daily.

I turn to the direction of the kitchen, where Mum seems to be cooking something delicious....

And YES! Mum is whipping up my favourite food! Rice with mixed veggies and chicken! I cannot wait any longer. I rush down to the kitchen, tail wagging furiously.

Lunch is over a little too soon though. I start feeling a little lethargic after about an hour.

My eyelids drooped and I could barely concentrate. Min's words sounded more like a lullaby...and her voice seemed to slur...I feel myself drifting into dreamland while Min strokes my fur and talks to me. I'm even oblivious to the camera lens pointing in front of my face......

"SQUAWK!" calls my parrot friend, Tom. I'm jolted (rudely) awake by his incessant noise. But I brush it off. After all, his incessant squawking has been an everyday occurrence. I can no longer get to sleep. I decide to hang around with Min and try my best to keep awake, before going back to sleep later in the afternoon.

And that's the end of my day. For now of course. Thanks lots, Ben, for the cool title, and thanks to myself for being such a great model!! :)