I'm Bach again!
I've always loved puns involving classical music, such as:
"Gone Chopin, will be Bach in a Minuet"...
"Chopin Liszt"...
and of course, the one shown below!

Some overdue pictures before I left for Melbourne:
Nodame Cantabile was funny and entertaining, and it was great to see the 2 main characters grow and mature in terms of music ability and so on. And of course - the music was so good!!! Beethoven's Sonata in A flat Major Op.110, a Chopin concerto, Ravel's Piano Concerto in G.......
I was watching Martha Argerich's version of the Ravel concerto on the plane. And I was staring at her fingers for the entire performance - just so effortless, flexible, agile......she's amazing! Just so amazing!!!!!!
Oh, and I spotted these sculptures at one of the art stores in Takashimaya...a few days after watching Nodame Cantabile.....
Now, Bach to Melbourne!!!!
I think I've been playing too much Bach. His Prelude and Fugue in D (from Book 2 of the Well Tempered Clavier) - the one I'm playing - is really challenging but fun! Held notes that have to be sustained long enough, running passages that could go wrong with just a tiny slip of the finger, lots of left-hand passages (which I like!), lots of tiny details, balance between "voices".........I do hope that I would be able to master it soon enough!
Ok, enough of all those piano adventures! Bach to what I wanted to say......
Rose bushes in the old quadrangle in uni. Everytime I walk past, I think, "Damn, how come I didn't bring my dSLR?!"
Watched Inception yesterday and had chocolate tapas (Spanish doughnuts) for dessert! Inception was so psychological...yet impressive. Whenever they talked about dreams...levels of thinking...the part where the main character was trying to resolve memories that he repressed in order to fulfill his mission and so on, I was thinking, "Wait, these sound very familiar!" It did draw on infinite regressions as well, I think. There were certain parts which I did not really get though. Nevertheless it was awesome!
Last but not least, before Inception, we dropped by the pet shop...there were no kittens this time, but there were quite a number of puppies. All sleeping soundly...and cuddling up against each other....
2 puppies sleeping on top of each other. I couldn't really tell where their heads were, coz they appeared as 1 big mass of fur! Later on I did manage to figure out that one's head was resting above the other's.
*rolls over* "What are you looking at?"
Another puppy of the same breed sleeping soundly in his enclosure....
"Squeak! Is it safe to come out?" *sniffs air around* "I smell food!!!"
Albino rabbit squeezing himself against the glass. He looks like some kind of pancake!!!
P/S: Damn, falling sick again sure sucks! Can't believe I fell sick twice this week! It really eats away ALL my energy - and my fortissimo sounds more like pianissimo now.....!!! Horrible...and not to mention, loads of medication and stuff like that...gosh!