the looks of it, it's yet another Aggie-filled post! :D Aggie's just so photogenic - "smiling through her eyes" for the camera...!!! And now that she's got her winter coat, she's so much fluffier and so gorgeous!
So here I am again, totally worn out from an intense, 2-hour exam yesterday. So now developmental psychology is over and done with (I miss it though - it was my favourite subject during the semester and the most well-organised). Hopefully my answers are good enough!
Decided to take a break from here I am with more Aggie pics - all taken with a 70-300mm telephoto lens. This is my favourite - of all the photoshoots.
And the snacks which I used to bribe Aggie :P
Aggie being vain as usual. Everytime she finishes her hunger satisfactions, she'll groom herself thoroughly, making sure that there isn't a single morsel of food in her gorgeous fur. And she spends AGES doing so, going through every single part of her body. Including... *ahem*. Ok I shan't go into details here.
But you guys get the general idea, hey? Aggie's obsessed with her appearance - and that's why she makes such a good model!
So she goes on and on, licking herself clean and making sure her fur's shiny...
"Hmmmm ok, maybe I'm clean enough! Ok bath time's over!"
"Time to pose like a gorgeous kitty!"
Another model attribute of Aggie: she sits still when her picture is taken. Hence I've got so many shots of her face. And that's also a reason why we call her a poser.
She did get a little tired of posing though, and jumped straight into one of the garden beds! She is actually not allowed to do so but she never learns. There was once she was caught red-handed and the gardener had to carry out of the bed. She wasn't impressed, but oh well.
And her she is again! Caught in the act - sniffing out icky caterpillars. Some of our garden beds have been caterpillar infested! And believe me, it's not for the faint-hearted. The caterpillars are definitely NOT the cute type. Oh and side note: I did send this picture to the gardener and he thought it was hilarious.
"Ah well, since I'm already in the garden bed, I might as well sit in it and chill out for a while before planning my next move. I know Min's happily snapping away."
Well her next move was to jump onto the kitchen garden bench. It's perfectly fine - she's allowed. :) There was once when I was sitting with her outside the kitchen garden and when she heard some rattling of seeds on the bench, she ran off and jumped on the bench, thinking that rattling meant hunger satisfactions! Looks like she has been conditioned to listen out for food...
And she did continue to pose, stopping occasionally for a scratch behind the ears and some last-minute grooming.
And yeah, that probably sums up my favourite photoshoot of her!
Oh yes...A few months ago, I bought this new iPod app, where we could selectively colour parts of a picture and leave the rest in greyscale. I've been experimenting with lots of the pictures I took over the semester (plus some older pics), and here are some of them:

Will post more pics soon!