The 4 pictures above were taken from Williamstown Beach, about 5 minutes away from the train station.
We did not get to go to that area on Sunday's visit, though we did manage to visit the pier, where there were heaps of privately-owned sailboats and expensive houses overlooking the bay. There were also many shops (especially food) located away from the housing area. This area is known as The Strand, and according to one of our family friends, some of the houses cost a bomb. You get what I mean from the 2nd picture above.
The pictures below were mostly stuff we saw along the street to my aunt's place, as well as some snapshots of The Strand, minus the expensive houses of course.
A dandelion on the roadside, on the way to my aunt's place. We actually pulled it out of the ground and blew those white bits away. And as you can see, the wind has actually blown some of its white bits away.
A dandelion on the roadside, on the way to my aunt's place. We actually pulled it out of the ground and blew those white bits away. And as you can see, the wind has actually blown some of its white bits away.
Roses outside my aunt's house. My aunt doesn't trim them often, and so we often see them in full bloom. There're heaps more roses around...especially white and yellow roses, and they bloom really, really beautifully in cold weather, somehow.
We spotted this giant hibiscus bush with equally large hibiscus flowers in full bloom outside one of the houses. Although the garden wasn't very well kept, the hibiscus bush was growing fairly well.
Mother and son chillin' by the bay with their 2 dogs...
And there we go! The privately-owned sailboats, and a plane landing on water in the foreground.

This was taken outside the church, on our way back to my aunt's place.

And yeah, that's about all for now! I really hope to go to Williamstown Beach and snap more pictures. I never get tired of the place...and hopefully there won't be any jellyfish..last year there were heaps of jellyfish (moon jellyfish I think) swimming towards the coast and drowning of course. Hopefully jellyfish suicide season is over.
My friend's bear collection. She really, really loves teddy bears, and has heaps of them...
More flowers...these're pretty interesting too, actually.
Awesome gelati store near the bay. We actually chilled out along the bay for a while, before
heading to the shops to get some stuff.
This was taken outside the church, on our way back to my aunt's place.
And yeah, that's about all for now! I really hope to go to Williamstown Beach and snap more pictures. I never get tired of the place...and hopefully there won't be any jellyfish..last year there were heaps of jellyfish (moon jellyfish I think) swimming towards the coast and drowning of course. Hopefully jellyfish suicide season is over.
Anyways, stay tuned for the next post! Thanks heaps for reading! :)