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Monday, May 12, 2014

VERY Epic Waves

Now there's a reason why I named this post "VERY Epic Waves" (with the word "very" deliberately typed in capital letters). First of all, the waves were massive - biggest I've seen so far. Secondly - it wasn't just one burst of big waves...there were quite a few. Thirdly, the waves were so big that I was literally stuck on one of the higher rocks and couldn't get back to shore because the waves went pretty high inland. And lastly - although the rock I was on was high...my shoes still got waterlogged because of the waves! So there we go! 

Before I post pictures of the epic waves...here's a quick feature of a really quaint, cosy and beautiful art studio in Fremantle - near the Roundhouse. This studio is called Wild Twig Studios - and here's their Facebook page

It all started when I heard about the Fremantle Heritage Festival - the night before I went to capture those epic waves. I came across some events organised by Wild Twig Studios in the festival catalogue, and decided to check it out. 

First thing I came across? Vintage underwear being hung on a washing line! Apparently there was a publicity stunt in Fremantle involving these vintage underwear...I bet it must have been really hilarious! Unfortunately I couldn't catch the stunt, but I got to see the "aftermath"...underwear in full view! :)

What I really, really like about Wild Twig Studios is its location and the decorations at the entrance. Wild Twig Studios was situated in one of the heritage-listed pilot cottages just near the roundhouse. I've decided to feature the unique, beautiful entrance of Wild Twig Studios here.

First up - I think these hanging glass jars and colourful flags (in the background) really provide a wonderful, homely atmosphere. For some reason, I feel peaceful...and really comfortable being in the studios. And of course, I couldn't resist taking pics of these jars. It was also close to sunset, so the lighting was definitely in my favour...

I also spotted these empty frames hanging from one of the walls - and I thought it added a really personal touch to the studios in general. It's such a great idea!

I can't resist looking at these pics again and again...but I absolutely love the front porch of the studios! Everything is just practically perfect in every way...furniture strategically arranged, colourful hammock hanging from the ceiling, sculptures...everything...I really felt at home here. And I felt as if I wanted to stay longer...

Ah yes - and there was a filming crew at the back of the studios - how cool is that! When I went inside the studios for a look - I spotted the filming crew in action, and every now and then I'd hear "ACTION" and "CUT"...I'd love to see a movie being filmed someday, with all the huge cameras and all...and hopefully I'll be able to be involved in taking movie stills someday. Now THAT would put my portraiture photography skills into good use - I need to get back to doing portraiture photography before I get rusty!

Here's a picture of one of the cottages - just next to Wild Twig Studios. If I'm not mistaken, this belongs to a famous marine life photographer - Glen Cowans. I've been inside his studio, and he's quite an amazing dude too! 

I came out just in time for sunset! Because Wild Twig Studios was situated near the Roundhouse, I had to walk across a grassy patch just outside the Roundhouse in order to get to my usual sunset viewing spot. And as I walked across this elevated area...I caught a glimpse of the sunset...and it was so magical! Epic clouds with orange light peeking through...illuminating the beach and the harbour in this brilliant shade of orangey-yellow...

Got to my usual spot! Because of the position of the sun, I didn't manage to see it dipping into the horizon, but my focus was on the dramatic clouds anyway!

And now for the highlight of this post - the VERY epic waves. Like I mentioned before, I went to my usual sunset viewing spot...and ended up being "stranded" on one of the rocks...simply because of the waves that perpetually kept crashing high up inland. I couldn't climb the rocks because they were slippery and weren't strategically positioned. And besides, I didn't want anything to drop out of my bag when I scaled those rocks! So I decided to brave it. It paid off though!

So here we go - long exposure pics of the VERY epic waves. The first burst of waves I captured was quite small, but nevertheless provided interesting texture. Anyway the waves went quite far inland but weren't exactly that dramatic...

Second burst of waves - quite identical to the first one, but textures ended up slightly different...again, the waves went quite far inland, and that was really awesome! I was actually waiting for the waves to wash far inland so that I could get dramatic shots as best as I could. Yay for high tide!! And I'm so glad I braved the cold and all to take these pics...

The third burst of waves - perhaps my favourite of all time. I've been experimenting with long-exposure pics of waves for quite some time, but I should say, this trip was the best I've had!

So initially I thought the waves were going to be quite small. Oh no...I was proven wrong! Check out what happens after the waves first crashed against the rocks...more waves followed...and the whole area was submerged in fast-flowing water! And that was where my shoes got waterlogged!

Fourth and final burst of waves before I ended up climbing back up onto the beach. By then, I realised that the waves were dying down...so I managed to climb back up and went to higher ground...with soaked shoes and no cardigan on. I only had a short-sleeved T-shirt and a scarf. Scarf helped with the cold though!

Either way - this burst of waves was one of my favourites...apart from the abovementioned third burst...simply because of the smooth textures. I reckon I'll be looking out for high tides quite often...and coming back to this same spot to take pics...until I find a better spot to go to!

It was also time for me to start heading back - because the skies were gradually getting darker...and I have trouble seeing in poorly lit areas (yeah night blindness is awful!)...

Before I headed off, I took some more pics of the dramatic clouds. I actually prefer sunsets with clouds - the clouds really make the skies look dramatic, and of course, the setting sun will illuminate these clouds, adding more colour and life to the skies. For today - late sunset was as dramatic as the actual sunset thanks to the clouds...

Ah yes - I heard some waves crashing against the shore...so I HAD to take more long exposure pics! I rarely take pics of this part of the beach, so this is a first for me!

By the time I got back to the Cappuccino Strip, I was craving for another hot chocolate! I had a hot choc for lunch...but I badly needed another. So there we go - a nice warm cup of hot choc for me after braving the waves and the cold!

And that's it for now! I'm currently monitoring the Bureau of Meteorology website for more updates on tide patterns - to ensure that I go to the beach during high tide...for MORE long exposure pics! Who knows - I may be able to capture more epic waves...that are bigger than these ones here?! Now that would be awesome!