Whoa, it has been really cold for the past week!! Looks like autumn has truly set in, and that winter is really fast approaching!! Most trees have started shedding leaves, and there are hues of red, orange and (mostly) yellow everywhere...especially in uni and around college. It's really beautiful.
Anyway, last weekend was pretty relaxed and stressful - I did manage to get cracking on my lab report (which is due in a fortnight!!!), but at the same time, I went for a chocolate feast in the city, and passed by the pet shop again. And these are what I found:
Adorable little shih tzu (or Maltese?) puppies. I reckon they're more shih tzu than Maltese...but they're really fluffy and cuddly. One of them kept barking at people walking by (nawwwww...!!), while the other one just sat and watched people pass by. I wish I could keep both of them - they're just so adorable and cuddly, and I simply love dogs that look like that...they really remind me of Robbie (apart from the colour).

Ah, and that's one of the puppies who looked into his reflection, and then turned away.

The kittens were equally adorable - and there were 12 of them in total, I reckon. I didn't really count, but yeah, there're usually quite a number of kittens in the shop.
One of the kittens in the left enclosure. He/She's really beautiful - with black and white fur (which reminds me of Figaro in Walt Disney's version of Pinocchio), and a cute lil' pink nose. And not to mention, he/she was one of the most photogenic kittens - always rolling over and posing for pictures...and staying still for us to take pictures of him/her. He/She was pretty active too, and was still rolling around when the other kittens were asleep. This was my favourite kitten for the day....

2 of the kittens facing each other. The one in the background was a really pretty one...

A close up shot of the kitten in the background of the previous picture. He/She was just sitting there, looking around...while the others played and wrestled...

I like this shot a lot. The kitten in the background was really, really naughty - he/she was basically playing and rolling around with his/her playmates the entire time, and was really active. This picture is solid proof of his/her mischief of course - staring over his/her playmate's shoulder when his/her playmate was sleeping. Of course, the sleeping black kitten was pretty active too, and was also play-wrestling before he/she got really sleepy...
I reckon that the kitten in the background was thinking, "Hmmmm...Kat (the black kitten) is asleep...what tricks should I play on him/her???"
Or maybe he/she got startled when I took a picture, and hence that explains his/her wide eyes?

Apparently not. The kitten in the background of the previous picture was staring over his/her playmate's shoulder all the while. So yeah, I guess he/she's just trying to be naughty, but at the same time, he/she's being curious of the stuff going around him/her - especially the people passing by. And some photographers who were so intrigued by these adorable little kittens. I dunno anything about animal psychology, but I reckon that's what he/she was thinking.
And not to mention, my favourite kitten of the day in the foreground, before he/she started rolling over and posing for pictures...

And that concludes yet another visit to the pet shop!! I don't really go to the pet shop deliberately, but whenever I go to Melbourne Central, I've this really high tendency to pass by. And yeah, hopefully the next time I pass by again, there'll be more adorable animals, especially Shih Tzu puppies - awwww I love Shih Tzu puppies!!!!!
Do stay tuned for the next post!!!! :D Thanks heaps for viewing!!