Above: Some stuff I did out of boredom, during study week:

In just 13 days I'll be flying back to Singapore for holidays. I'm definitely looking forward to Singapore - seeing Sojin (my piano), enjoying the tropical weather etc. And I really envy those who've finished exams already - in fact some of them are back in Singapore now!!! Oh well, my turn will come...eventually...
Anyway back to today's topic. About 2 days ago, one of my neighbours spotted this massive, bright-red mushroom growing outside the library, and told me about it. The moment I looked out of the window, I spotted it - it was just so distinct and stood out like that:
So, me being me - took out Helios the dSLR and rushed downstairs for a better view, and for a short photography session of this awesome mushroom.
Close up of the mushroom's cap - for some reason I have this liking towards mushrooms, especially bright-coloured, spotted ones... :P But no, I'll never touch it unless I know it's not poisonous. And this one here seems to say "Hands off!!!!"
Another shot of the mushroom from a different angle. Taking pictures of the mushroom wasn't easy coz it was pretty low and I had to crouch down just to take it.
This picture's one of my favourite shots - the mushroom in its full glory (quoted by last year's chemistry lecturer of course), happily growing in the courtyard.
Oh ya, and not to mention, I'm 75% done with exams! I had a piano exam (technical exam) today and it went pretty well!! And I'm on a piano-induced high!!!!!!!!!!

I guess that's about all for now. Gosh I really can't wait to get my telephoto, macro and wide-angle lens (hopefully) for Helios the dSLR!!! I've a 18-55mm lens at the moment (which came for free of course), but I'd really like to own a macro, telephoto, fisheye, wide-angle etc etc etc.....Guess I'll see how much I can get when I get back to Singapore!
Thanks lots for viewing and do stay tuned for the next post!