This little puppy really reminds me of Robbie - fluffy, adorable, extrovert, and a little vain. I really can't wait to see Robbie again...and take even more pictures of him of course. Hopefully I'll get to see him really really soon...
Anyway...1 MORE WEEK! 1 more week till exams are over!!!! I really can't wait to finish my zoology exam and enjoy my holidays properly! Right now I've 7 days to study my entire zoology syllabus. I've always wished that zoology exams could be pushed back to 18th June or something - then I'll be able to have longer holidays...and I would probably finish around the same time as most people in college. Now I'm one of the last few left. Stuck here studying when others are happily enjoying their holidays. Oh well..........zoology is a pretty interesting subject though...
Anyway we went for the Titanic Exhibition in Melbourne Museum yesterday. The entire exhibition re-enacted the interior design of the ship according to photographs, and had lots of artefacts from people who have perished, as well as people who survived the sinking. They even had this massive block of ice in one of the stations - a makeshift iceberg". And of course, they had lots of cool stuff in the souvenir shop. The accounts of those who survived - absolutely spine-chilling.......

And, next to the museum: The Royal Exhibition Building. We've a love-hate relationship with this place. We love it coz of its design and beautiful murals, but hate it coz it's the place where most of us have our (dreaded) exams!

And some pictures taken to relieve stress...

Oh, and of course - my "Psychology Wall" in my sketchbook. I think I dedicated around 6 to 8 pages of my sketchbook, just to test myself on psychology...

Oh yes, on a side note, the massive red mushroom I posted in the previous post has shrivelled up.... :( But there're new ones growing near it...it's PICTURE TIME!!!
Thanks heaps for viewing and stay tuned! :D