Picture above: Something which my awesome neighbour drew on my window during Study Week. I couldn't bear to clean this up on Moving Day last Friday...but I had to, coz they had room inspections. Oh well...at least I took quite a number of pictures of it...
Anyway I'm back in Singapore! It feels really, really good to be home after 4 months! And it feels awesome to be able to play on Sojin (my piano) again!
Hmmmmm, since I just reached Singapore yesterday, I don't have many pictures to share (for now!), but the magic mushroom bloom in college seemed to get bigger...and bigger...I've got heaps of pictures of the red mushrooms - I reckon it's pretty rare to see 'em around. We're pretty lucky this time round - thanks to the rain which encouraged these awesome mushrooms to grow! Sadly they shrivelled up before I left for home...but oh well, hopefully there'll be more...
The pictures below aren't in chronological order though:
Overhead shots of the mushrooms - they seem to be growing in a ring...but when I looked closer, they were just growing pretty randomly around the tree.

Close up of 2 of the "fresher" mushrooms. The individual one right at the back is the very first one we saw - it has now been reduced to this brown, shrivelled-up mushroom...

This was another massive one we spotted - it was even bigger than the first one we saw! It was just so impressive...but unfortunately it got uprooted by strong winds! We were terribly upset.

One of the smaller mushrooms popping up from the ground...

And the smaller mushrooms have since grown this big...

This is the massive mushroom I mentioned earlier - the one that got uprooted by strong winds. It was growing really healthily and happily...and was the most impressive and awesome one...

The mushrooms nearer to the library...

Yet another shot of the massive one, with smaller ones growing around it.

More pictures of the smaller mushrooms...

And...last but not least...because I was pretty bored, I plopped one of my own mushrooms in front of my computer screen! :) And snapped away...

And that's about all the mycology I captured before I left! :D Thanks for viewing and do stay tuned for the next post!