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Thursday, July 22, 2010

干妈: So, Min, you're going back to Melbourne on 23rd July right?
Min: Yeah. Gosh I can't believe it! Tomorrow I'll be on a jet plane (again), flying back to Melbourne! And semester 2 is starting next week! I'm going to miss this diamond-shaped island of course...

Robbie: MIN! Stop yapping and let's start! I'm running late for my grooming session!!
Min: Robbie, but you look much, much cuter with long hair! Let it grow, will ya? And it'll become so long, that maybe one day I should just tie it up into a ponytail and put a ribbon on it?
Robbie: Are you kidding? I'm a boy!!!!! *gives grumpy look*

Min: Ok ok!! Yes of course I know you're a boy! I was just joking with you as usual!!!!
Robbie: Humph!
Min: C'mon Robbie, don't be angry! Now let me see you smile......Big smiles.......!!!
Robbie: *sticks out tongue*
Min snaps away with her dSLR.............

Later on, after lunch...
Min: Robbie, what are you thinking about?

Robbie: Ummm...nothing, just the usual stuff...
Min: Oh really?
Robbie: Yeeeaaahhhhhh.... *rather unconvincingly*
Min: C'mon Robbie, tell me what's on your mind! I don't study animal psychology, y'know!
Robbie: Ok ok...y'see.........

Robbie: I can really see that I'm getting old. And I think I'm suffering from pattern baldness. My fluffy tail seems to have lost half its hair...and I'm turning pink because of that...

Robbie: And on top of that, I seem to get sleepier...

Min: Even though you sleep a lot?
Robbie: Yeah...I don't even have the energy to lift up my head now...I'm just so tired...

Robbie: And my eyelids seem to weigh a ton...

Robbie: Ah! The kitchen door!! Jeez I'm dead beat!

Min: Robbie...are you really sad that you're getting older?
Robbie: *jolts awake* Sort of. I just feel that I'm unable to do as many things as I used to be able to do...
Min: Like what?

Robbie: *turns towards his tail* Like chasing my tail for hours on end? Hahaha...that's a very old game I used to play with Muffin, my best doggy pal...we used to have competitions on who could spin longer without tumbling. And I always won! Now - if you ask me to chase my tail, I'd probably collapse after...say...1 round?

At the thought of Muffin spinning around crazily...Robbie chuckles...

Min: Robbie, do not despair. Even though you're inevitably getting older, there're some good things you get out of it! Oh...and have you heard of Eric Erikson?
Robbie: Nope...some psychology dude right?
Min: Haha...yep!
Robbie: Tell me more?
Min: Erikson came out with a bunch of psychosocial stages. The stage you're experiencing now is the Integrity vs Despair stage. Integrity - feeling satisfied with what you've done in the past, and what you are now. Despair - feeling unhappy and regretting what you've done in the past, and hence dissatisfied with your current self. Do not despair, Robbie! You've had a really good life, and your mum loves you so much! And you've lived so meaningfully! You're really, really healthy too! Do not let old age influence your bubbly and optimistic mindset. Embrace it and make full use of it!
Robbie: Oh... *thinks hard*

Robbie: Min, what you've just said really makes sense. I should really look on the bright side of life...and treat old age as part and parcel of life. Even though there're some things I cannot really do anymore, these things can remain as memories...which I can cherish and treasure. And of course, I could take up other new stuff too!! And, besides.......
Min: Yeah?
Robbie: Now that I'm older, I don't run as fast anymore...and hence you can take lots of pictures of me!!!
Min: You're so narcissistic!!!!!!
Robbie: Hahahaaahaaaa...C'mon Min! Snap away!!!!!

Robbie: And that concludes Min's little psychology lesson! And my photoshoot!
Min: Narcissist Robbie!!!!!!
Robbie: Ah...just ignore the narcissist part! Stay tuned for the next post!
Min+Robbie: See you guys soon!!