I finally met Aggie for the first time in AGES!!! Aggie's our college cat - well she's sort of a stray but she's been fed really well by the kitchen staff in college.
In fact, she does not even look like a stray at all! She's really friendly and (I assume) she loves to be around people - coz that's precisely what she did today! She hung around us when we were doing gardening (we volunteered for kitchen gardening, where we could grow our own vegies and stuff), and was really friendly to us. And I happened to have my camera (not Helios the dSLR, but my phone, which takes equally amazing pictures) with me, so yeah, I did a photoshoot for her. :)
It truly feels like spring today - blue skies, bright sunlight.....warm temperatures!!! I really love it! I decided to pay a visit to the kitchen garden today, since I had this strong intuition that there would be people planting vegies there. And I was right!

I find a spot on one of the benches and lie down, comfortably...
Min, Viola, Steph, Katie and Ian came up to me and started caressing me...rubbing behind my ears and the top of my head...
Scratching me under my chin...
Awwww I really love it!!! But I start to feel lazy now, and with the sun shining on my back, I feel rather lethargic.
So I lay flat on the bench...
And y'all might be thinking, adorable Aggie's going to fall asleep now!!
Nah, not so soon! I did feel like sleeping, but I decided to wander around the kitchen garden a bit...at least I can explore the garden before sleeping, and besides, walking around would probably give me a tiny bit of exercise...
The sun was shining brightly on me, and I was starting to feel hot - for I have not shed my winter coat fully yet. I need some shade!
Ah, and that feels much (much much) better!!!!!! I decide to wander out again. I walk around the garden beds, and just hung out with Steph, Min, Katie, Viola and Ian...
And at that point in time, I start to feel hot again!
"When will my winter coat be fully shed?" I wonder. My coat had thinned out considerably, but still, I feel so fluffy...
At that point in time, Min comes over and her shadow casts upon me. I take this opportunity to enjoy the shade that her shadow has provided.
But Min moves away to do more gardening! I have to find more shade, or I'll be fried!
I walk out of the kitchen garden (much to Min's dismay, who was trying to get as many pictures of me as possible), and lie next to a stump.
Ah - what good shade this stump provides! I stretch myself as much as possible...
And by now Min has already taken multiple shots of me stretching. And she showed it to me!
"Look Aggie! That's you!" Min shows me the pictures she has taken.
"Meeeoooowwwwwww...." I replied lazily, but very contentedly and happily.
I just love lying next to this stump - it's just so comfy!
Min and Steph had finished gardening by then. They walk up to me, and start caressing me all over again. That's right - tickling me under my chin, behind my ears, on my back.........they just wouldn't leave me alone!
But that's all right...I love their company!
Min and Steph left shortly after, and I overheard their conversation as they walked away.
"I really enjoy kitchen gardening! It gives us loads of opportunities to come outside..." Min began.
"And to see Aggie!" Steph gushed.
Awwwww I feel so loved!!!!!
And that's it for today! Thanks lots for viewing and do stay tuned! I'll post pictures of the tulip fest soon! :D
Aggie: Meeeooooowwwwwww (see you guys soon!)