We had our kitchen garden opening the other day in college, and the guest-of-honour was one of our college alumni, Stephanie Alexander. Stephanie Alexander is also a celebrity chef, and she's earned a really good reputation throughout the years - she has travelled around the world, written many books and so on, and she has a really good sense of humour! Our kitchen garden was also named after her.
And of course, we had a special guest - Aggie the college cat! I did an entry on her a while ago, and now I've got even more pictures of her!
Before the opening, we actually found her sitting on one of the cars, looking adorable, as usual.

So we went up to her and she said "meeooowwww" - her typical "hi". We tried to get her off the car, but she stayed there for awhile, before jumping down to join us.
She was in a really good mood that day, and she hung around us for a while, then rolled over! And we gave her a good rub on the belly, and on her back. She's really soft and fluffy, and her fur's just so comfy. I really love combing my fingers through her fur! Oh, and she's actually not black and white - the fur on her back is actually dark brown, but the fur around her eyes is jet black. I really love her goatee (the black patch under her chin) and her black nose - it makes her look really, really adorable.
She really loved lying on the ground and doing big stretches that day...
And she continued rolling over after that. When cats roll over, it probably means that they're in a playful mood, and they usually love a belly rub every now and then.
She didn't really join us during the kitchen garden opening, but hung around the garden, in the carpark. Later, when the gathering ended,
Steph and I: "Aggie...Aggie!!!"
Aggie: "Meeooowwww..."
She responded to us, and began to rub against Steph's legs, going all lovey-dovey and affectionate. We gave her the usual belly rub again, and a tickle behind her ears and under her chin, and hung around until she wasn't interested anymore. She's really lovable! Oh, and today, she was really affectionate - responding to her name with her usual "meeeooowwwww", and being very lovey-dovey with Steph and I. She makes me enjoy kitchen gardening even more, and I simply love her company!
Yet a few days ago, before this cold snap, she was super lazy, lying lazily in one of the vegie patches. She didn't even want to say hi, but did not hesitate when I approached her.
"Go away! I'm on my break!"
I found her sleeping in the same vegie patch the next day. When she saw me, she opened her eyes, stirred a little, then put her paw over her eyes and went back to sleep! She looks really, really cuddly here!
Oh, and did I mention - Aggie had a rather tumultuous past before she was picked up by one of our tutors. She had been abandoned in an aga-patch (I don't remember how to spell it), and when they picked her up, she was really traumatised, and was meowing away. Our tutor named her Aggie after the vegie patch they found her in, and "adopted" her, but when our tutor moved out, we've been keeping her company, and the kitchen staff feed her. She's a really lucky cat - big compound to hang out in, lots of company etc...and she's really loved by all of us too!
Will probably post pictures of the kitchen garden opening soon! And of course, more Aggie pictures!