I'm missing Hokkien Mee terribly...and it's only been a week since I left Melbourne. Honestly speaking, I really dunno how I managed to survive last year without Hokkien Mee. It's bad for health (coz of all the lard), but it's absolutely delicious! Hopefully I'd survive this year too. Guess I'll have to use psychology on myself then!
I've not had rice for a while too - probably a week? Hmmm...maybe I might have a good meal of nasi goreng tomorrow, instead of the typical lunch in college!
Speaking about college, there're new photos up!

Commencement Dinner was held in college today to mark the beginning of the new college year. Though I didn't manage to take many photos (forgot to bring my dSLR), I did manage to take a few snapshots of the food and other stuff going on. Oh, and not to mention the turn after the dinner - a change from formal to totally informal and rowdy. It was pretty cool though.
Anyways here goes:
The turn cost $3 to enter, and after payment, the person at the "door" will draw something on your hand as a form of receipt. And here we go: a smiley face on my hand in pink highlighter ink. In fact, the smiley face is still there, even after showering. Let's just say it's a way of indicating that your entry has been approved. Pretty cool.

This is the menu for the dinner. Pardon the numerous reflections - my table happened to be facing the sun (and so was I). But nevertheless, the food was pretty good! And pictures of the food are shown below.

Starters: Bread with some seeds on it, and sliced melon with a piece of ham.

Main course: Either beef or mushroom vol-au-vent (I'm not too sure how to spell this) with risotto - a vegetarian dish. I took the vegetarian dish of course, but I took a pic of the beef dish too.

Dessert: Caramel with cream. It was quivery - coz it shook when we moved our plates, but it was really, really sweet too. And this plus 3 big glasses of wine=intoxication. I was pretty groggy for the rest of the dinner, till we got to the turn.

And yeah, that's about it! I didn't get many photos of the turn (besides the smiley face on my hand), but it sure was a great night!
Stay tuned for even more pictures about Aussie!