The picture above was taken around mid-March. It was really romantic though - someone proposing to his girlfriend by drawing contrails in mid-air. We were even speculating that someone in uni would suddenly jump up and say "I DO!" But no one did.
This year...it's something totally different. It's an advertisement!!!! For Lipton Ice Tea!!!
I saw it in college last week, when I was walking down the corridor. When I saw the words "S" and "T" being written in the sky, I dashed down straightaway and started snapping away...and so, here goes:
The wind was pretty strong that day and the words actually got rather distorted. Then the other clouds came in and very soon, the words were gone.
It was pretty cool to see writings in the air. Especially when the sky is totally blue and cloudless. The contrails just stand out so well, and the words turn out really distinct.
This is the second time in my uni life that I'm seeing such contrails. The pilot (and the person who planned it) is so amazing. Unfortunately, I only see it (on average) once a year. And only when the weather is really good. Hopefully I would see something like this again...it's just so cool - messages in the sky...
The next post would be about something else...hmmm I haven't really decided what to post next, but yeah, stay tuned! :)