I know I've done lots and lots (and lots and lots) of posts about Aggie the college cat, but now I really can't help it again - I really miss her so much! I miss her meowing, her soft and fluffy fur, and her company.
I took these pictures just before I left college, about a week ago. Aggie didn't seem to be aware that I was leaving, and was lovey-dovey as usual, following me everywhere and letting me hang out with her. I think she was more aware that I was leaving when I came to say goodbye, but she didn't make any effort to hold me back. She just lay below the bench.
Here are some Aggie moments which I captured.
Aggie looking un-glamourous. She does it quite a fair bit - sitting with her legs wide open, or cleaning herself in full view...

And here she is again, looking more glamourous...
One of my friends commented that Aggie almost always looked lazy in the pictures that I took of her, because she was always lying down, stretching out, or rolling over. And that's exactly what she loves to do - look lazy:
We gave her some cat grass, and she sniffed it a little, then munched away...
And was lazy again! Another friend of mine actually dubbed her "lazy, furry fellow".
Whenever she does this, I keep thinking that she's going to roll over, but she seldom does.
I think her fur might have thinned out quite a fair bit now. It's summer as of now, and she's been spending a lot of time in the shade because of her long fur. Whenever she licks herself clean, I can see fluff around her. Love you, fluffy kitty!
And of course, because I was bored, I modified some of my cartoons.
A buddy of mine saw my Simon's Cat cartoons, and suggested that I should add Aggie's coat patterns to the doodlings. So that's what I did:
The first one is less realistic, but the second one really looks like Aggie. Thanks Ian! :D
I can't wait to take more pictures of Robbie and other cute animals soon!