Well, here I am, back Down Under, where awesome, creative car plates reign supreme! Uni has started and I've not been on any photo-taking trips yet. But I've been hunting down awesome car plates!

Ok. I know I'm pretty behind time in posting pictures from summer, but I guess I'll post 'em up bit by bit. So I'll start off with the Botanic Gardens Orchid Show - which featured a massive variety of orchids, rare flowers and the most unusual plant species. Well, I'll have to split this into 2 parts since I've got lots of pictures. So part 1 would focus on the Botanic Gardens itself, and part 2 will focus on the Orchid Garden Show properly.
Before the Orchid Show, I did a mini-hike around the Botanic Gardens first, hence the large number of pictures.
Destination 1: Swan Lake *hums Tchaikovsky's Scene from Swan Lake theme*
People along the sides of Swan Lake, feeding bread and what-not to the swans. Believe it or not, after I left Botanic Gardens, I went to watch the movie Black Swan. :P
Somehow this reminds me of E.T., except that the alien has been replaced by a swan and the hand gesture has changed substantially.
Swans chilling out after their hunger satisfactions.
Destination 2: Ginger Gardens (just near the Orchid Garden - where the Orchid Show was)
Caught sight of an artist painting meticulously...
Destination 3: the Orchid Garden itself - mostly the places outside the actual exhibition
Went around the Mist House and the area where bromeliads were planted. I think the Mist House was pretty awesome. The area was not constantly misty. In fact, the mist poured down every now and then. Initially when I stepped into the area, it was quite clear and the sun was shining through. Then suddenly the mist came and the whole place became so obscured, that I had to make sure I didn't bump into anyone. The plants in the Mist House were pretty unusual too.
And since I haven't tried zoomburst shots before, I decided to take some while leaving the Orchid Gardens and on the way to the city. The first few attempts were epic fail of course - the pictures either became blurry, or over-exposed (because of the need for low shutter speed). But eventually...here're 2 of the "winning" ones...
Part 2 will be coming up shortly! :D