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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sentosa Flower Show Part 2

I'm contemplating putting a part 3 for the Sentosa Flower Show thingy that I'm doing now - but I'm not sure if I should. Oh yes, and WARNING: There's going to be LOTS of flower pictures in this post, so if you have hay fever like I do, don't forget your nose sprays! :)

Oh, and the hay fever part was true - I ended up sneezing like crazy after going to the flower show (I went to Sentosa twice and the Boardwalk once - so that's a total of 3 trips to the Flower Show itself).

Anyways let's get cracking, shall we?

Went to the beach before going for the flower show, and since it was Valentines' Day, I decided to draw something like this - just for fun. :)

Oh, and side note: The flower show was supposed to end on 13th Feb (it's written on the sign above!), but the flowers were still there, so I sneaked in and had an awesome time taking lots of pictures! They got rid of the sign eventually though.

Different varieties of carrots just along the path.

This was taken at the famous Merlion statue. Had to walk past the Merlion in order to get to the main Flower Show area. I was actually inspired by a similar picture by one of my friends, and decided to replicate it in my own way. Well, sort of.

Rabbit made (almost entirely) of flowers. It's maintained really well - the flowers are replaced and watered regularly.

And the flowers growing around the pool where the massive flower rabbit was located.

There were also a number of rabbit sculptures like this one, all around the area. There were rabbit family sculptures, rabbits posing etc....and of course, this one here!

Some orchids and other "random" flowers growing around the stairs.

Ah, and one of the features of the Flower Show - hanging wishes on sculptures! Some of them were pretty innocent and some were pleasant to look at.

Moving on to macro shots of bigger flowers....

And yes, even more flowers. I went to the Flower Show in 2009 and they had similar flowers, except that these were growing near the beach.

And not too far away, a family relaxing in the shade. Surprisingly there weren't many people on that day - possibly because it was a weekday (Monday) and because the show officially ended a day ago. But yeah, it's really pleasant to see families enjoying themselves...

And one of my final photography spots before heading back to the Mainland.

They had these multi-coloured, gorgeous flowers planted all around, and they were growing in really, really large quantities! So here we go...there were white, orange, pink, red and yellow ones.

One last shot of the carrot trees before heading back to the Mainland. I miss these now! :(

Anyways I'm still not sure if I'll put part 3 up, but yeah, this probably concludes the visit to the Sentosa Flower Show on Valentines' Day! :)