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Monday, April 30, 2012

Harbourtown DFO

Hey guys!  So sorry for being missing in action!  I've been extremely tied up with 2 assignments - back to back!  Oh my gosh, these 2 weeks have been seriously epic, and I've had really awful sleep patterns - going to bed at ungodly times of 4am or so, and waking up at 12pm!  I even got up at 3pm once after an all-nighter!  Well, not really a total all-nighter as I crashed at around 4am or so.

Right now - it's time to re-align my awful sleep patterns.  I really, really should aim to get to bed earlier these days, leading up to the exams!

Anyways, 'nuff said, let's get on to business! 

Nathan (one of my mates from Melbourne) came all the way to Perth to chill out, and I met up with him for some "tours" around the city!  My brain was still fried from the intense weeks leading up to the Easter Holidays (yes, I met him during the Easter holidays), and so was his!  Well, his was fried from work!

So we decided to go to Harbourtown DFO for some impromptu retail therapy.  DFO = direct factory outlet.  Well, we actually went to the gorgeous St Mary's cathedral first, but decided that we shouldn't spend the whole day there.  So yeah.

Australian souvenir shop - very common in shopping areas, including the Murray St and Hay St shopping belts in Perth.

I didn't have much to buy, to be honest, so I decided to walk around.  And since I had my camera with me, I spontaneously pulled it out and started snapping pictures.

Harbourtown is MASSIVE.  It's probably bigger than Vivocity in Singapore, but it does remind me of Vivocity, except that it's open-air.  There're 2 storeys with lots and lots of shops.  Hung around the ground floor first, before going up to the second floor.

And here's the view of the shopping mall from the second floor.  Decided to take some spontaneous pictures, while looking through the shops.

And of course, I HAD to take pictures of one of my favourite stores - Cotton On!  Believe it or not, the stuff in Cotton On were super cheap!  How awesome!

Oakley Vault and Factorie were awesome too!

I had lots of shots of this area - which consisted of Valleygirl (my favourite shop in the whole DFO - and where I got a gorgeous knitted top for $7 only), Temt, Chic Booti and other girly places.  Well I'm NOT THAT girly, but you know, it's always good to look around for stuff that actually suits me!  And of course, like any other factory outlets, it's so tempting to buy lots of stuff, because they were soooooo affordable!

Which of course, explains the crowds and the shopping bags!

Another glimpse of the shopping area from Valleygirl.

Not too far away - one of my favourite stationary shops - Typo!  Estha (one of my awesome buddies in Melbourne) bought me mushroom fairy lights from Typo, which I really really adore.  I bought some notebooks and a mushroom-shaped book end myself, and had to restrain myself from going out of control.

Other shops such as Crossroads, Esprit and so on, selling stuff at highly affordable prices.

Since the shops closed earlier, Nathan and I decided to head back to our respective accomodations.  Ended up chilling out even more in my room after that!  Well, it was Easter break anyway, so I felt that I needed some time to actually rest before the semester went ahead at full steam.

By full steam, I mean this:  Loads and loads of studying.  Used my handphone camera to take these pictures, with an inbuilt negative filter, just to make studying seem a little more pleasant.  Well...ok studying isn't unpleasant, but sometimes it can get a little challenging.  I still enjoy studying - don't get me wrong! :)

And that's it for now!  Can't believe it's the end of April now!  Soon it'll be winter holidays!

Right now I should really catch up on the work I put aside.  See you guys very soon!