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Sunday, July 01, 2012

Aggie and Cougar (Melbourne Days 5 and 6)

So Day 4 was spent in Williamstown, as it was cold and gloomy.  On Days 5 and 6, I headed to college.  

On my way to college on Day 6, I met an adorable, 19-month-old kitty named Cougar.  He belonged to one of the vendors of The Big Issue, an Australian magazine sold throughout the country.  So I decided to take some pictures of Cougar before heading to college.  This was my second time seeing him, and he has grown!  He looks more handsome now.  I remembered seeing him once last year, when I was still living in Melbourne.

Other than that, his cat bed and blanket were still the same.  And of course, he still stuck to his favourite activity - sleeping.

But this time, he didn't sleep for a very long time.  He was actually quite curious, and was looking around as people walked by.  Some stopped by to give him a scratch behind the ears and under the chin, while others gave him pats.  Well - he definitely enjoyed the attention!

He was a very well-behaved cat, and loved staying under his blanket, as it was cold.  So I did a small photoshoot for him.

After saying goodbye to Cougar, I headed back to college, and took some pictures as I walked towards the kitchen garden.

Was greeted by a series of sweet, bel canto "meows" when I walked in.  Well we all know who it was! :D

Aggie was in quite a bouncy mood that day, and she ended up sitting on the newspapers, when Steph was attempting to read them!  She kept posing on the newspapers, and we just couldn't flip the page over!

Then she decided to get off the newspapers (finally!) and pretended to be some kind of table ornament.  Or rather, being cute as usual.

She was kinda curious about what was going on in the world though, and when we flipped the page she looked as if she was reading the papers along with us.

Then she bounced down from the bench and decided to sit around.  It was also a good time to take pictures of her against the backdrop of the kitchen garden.  Or rather, Aggie's garden :D

Steph picked her up for a quick cuddle, and this was how she looked like - looking over Steph's shoulder!  I think she spotted a bird or something, and wanted to pounce on it.  Some of us have seen dead birds around, and we all know that Aggie was the culprit.  I don't know if she still catches birds now, but we haven't seen any dead ones yet.  I guess she knows she has lots to eat, and doesn't feel the need to catch birds as much.

She was walking, or rather waddling around the carpark area after that, and sat in one of her former Aggie spots.  There used to be a bush right outside the kitchen garden, and when they took it away, poor Aggie kept pacing around it, thinking, "Where is my bush?!"

On a non-Melbourne related note, but I went on a photo-taking trip in Singapore and here's a sneak preview of some of the pictures I took.  This was my first trip out in nearly 2 weeks - I didn't have time to take pictures as I was collecting data for my thesis.

It really feels good to be out taking pictures again!  I've got a new computer though - so I guess I'll have to get used to it throughout this month.

And I guess that's about it for the whole Melbourne series!  I miss Melbourne so much!  But I'm glad to be home in Singapore!  I still love Singapore more though.

As a concluding note to the whole Melbourne series, I was surfing through the Internet when I came across videos of Graeme the cat!  And that kinda reminded me - at the time when I took pictures of Graeme, I didn't know his name yet (post here).  Now the question has definitely been answered - his name is Graeme and he's so lovable!  I first met him in Melbourne and he's definitely famous now :)

Will be back soon!