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Saturday, May 26, 2012


Ok I WAS cranky this morning because the same FAIL person set off the fire alarm - the 3rd time this month (of which 2 occured over a week).  The firemen looked ready to tackle him to the ground...


Judging from the state of my room now, with papers and notes strewn all over my desk and with all the different coloured pens lying on them, I can safely say that I've officially entered EXAM MODE!!!  Oh, and not to mention the iPod and the frequent trips to the library.  And attempting to sleep early and wake up early (so far the failure rate's probably close to 99% but I'm starting to improve now!).  And refraining from any stomach bombs - because having stomach bombs during exam period = poor life choice.

Anyway the list goes on and on!  And here's some evidence of the "ammunition" I've prepared, for the Exam Season.  Books, pen, paper, water, iPod, energy drink (just kidding!)......

To be honest, it's been quite a good semester, despite the hiccups.  Lecturers were very friendly and understanding, listened to our grievances, paid lots of attention to our opinions etc etc etc, the environment was supportive, the Silent Floor of the library has become my favourite hangout place for Exam Season (yes, I've started hanging out there already!), and I basically loved almost every aspect of this university.  To the extent where I actually went to uni everyday just to study and enjoy the atmosphere :)  I'm contemplating going to uni everyday during the study break and camping in my favourite hangout place so that I can get as much done as possible.

The only thing I hated - the millipede invasion.  Which happened in early April where I was still extremely high-strung over assignments, and I relentlessly stuffed any crack/crevice such that there were no entry points for the millipedes.  It worked really well - which was good - but every so often one of those little pests would hitch a ride on my jeans or something and end up on my floor!  And then I'd have to clear them out again.  I'm considered lucky though - people living below me had even more millipedes, and right now, there're so many dead millipedes at the corners of the building and the flat downstairs!  Obviously they were long dead, but no one got rid of them.  Subsequent millipede invasions occurred but each time the millipede count decreased.  BUT, the millipedes got FATTER!  I'm not going to post pictures as it's pretty graphic, and I don't wanna gross anyone out.  I'm assuming there'll be another millipede problem in spring - as millipedes usually become active during autumn and spring (maybe more in autumn).  Oh well - I'm prepared - in a way!

It's also the time of the year where everyone's looking forward to the winter break!  For me - I'm looking forward to Melbourne and Singapore.  And travelling around these places.  And of course - to do my data analysis for my thesis (yes, call me a workaholic but I've got no choice!).  Like many others, I can't wait for exams to be over!

Till then, I'll probably update this space after exams! :D  Sorry about the wordy entry!  This is probably one of the rarer times where I actually do wordy entries.  I'm long-winded by nature anyway!

Or when I'm taking a break from studying!